Sequentially process a list of asynchronous tasks using array reduce

1 min readAug 31, 2017

We can use Array.reduce and Promises to sequentially process a list of async actions, such as XHR requests, ensuring they are processed in the order they are supplied.

function createSequentialProcessor(iterator) {
// return a function that accepts the items to be processed
return (items) => {
// create an empty results array
const results = []
// use Array.reduce to iterate over the array
return items.reduce((promise, item, idx) => {
// when the previous promise resolves...
return promise.then((result) => {
// ...add the result to the results array
if (result) results.push(result)
// call the iterator function with previous result
// and the next item
return iterator(result, item)
/// for the initial value we supply a resolved promise
}, Promise.resolve())
// finally add the last result to the results and return
.then((result) => [...results, result])

And used as

const processList = createSequentialProcessor(  // create an iterator function, that does an async "request"
(previousResult, item) => {
// do something with the previous result,
// possibly control the flow, throw an error etc
console.log(`Processing: ${item}`)
// make request for next item, the function must return
// a promise
return fakeRequest(item)

// call the with a array of 'things'
.then((allResults) => console.log('All done', allResults))
.catch((err) => console.log('Something broke'))

See it in action:,console

